Sight 2020 Direct: Founder, Ophthalmologist and Local Representative

Andrew works as Consultant Ophthalmologist at Cardiff and Vale Health Board (University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff) and Cwm Taf Health Board (Royal Glamorgan). He qualified in 1986 at Ibadan and trained in Ophthalmology in England, Scotland and Wales.

Andrew founded Sight 2020 Direct in 2001, initially working predominantly in Nigeria. Since 2008 the charity has been focused on improving eye care services in Malawi.

Andrew has undergone training sessions at the Royal National College for the Blind, Hereford in both blind football and goal ball. These were delivered by Tony Larkin (at the time coach for the England Blind football team) and Adam Bendall who is currently project lead for visual impairment and blind football participation and engagement in the UK.